Andrea Cross

Affiliation: Student Aid
Senior Associate Director of Student Aid
Andrea Cross is a seasoned financial aid professional who has spent her entire career in higher education. Before her arrival at Bowdoin, she served as the associate dean for student aid at Saint Joseph’s College (Maine) for many years, and Bay Path College and Springfield College prior to that. Over her career she has also been active in the greater financial aid community through various organizations including the Maine Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators (MASFAA), the Eastern Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators (EASFAA), and the New England Region of the College Board. Currently she participates in the MASFAA School Support Initiative which offers FAFSA and financial aid counseling to Maine high schools. Andrea spends her time away from work enjoying the lakes region with her dog, Eddie.

Andrea earned her B.Ed. from McGill University and an M.S. and C.A.S. from Springfield College.