
Student employees play a significant role in the overall operation of Bowdoin.

By employing students in your department, you are fulfilling an operational need while providing growth and development opportunities for the students. For many students, working at Bowdoin is a chance to practice and learn the skills and competencies that will make them successful in the future. Your role as a supervisor, and often mentor, is a vital part of that process.

All student on-campus jobs should be posted on Workday through the job requisition process.

workday logo 

Workday is Bowdoin's student job board, hiring, payroll, and time-tracking system. Visit the Workday Resources page for information and guides on the following.  

  • Job Posting/Requisition
  • Hiring
  • Approve Time
  • Change Cost Center
  • Request Compensation Change
Workday Announcement

Pay Information 

Find information on student pay rates, pay increases, and payroll schedules in the Pay Information section.   

On the First Day of Work

  • Clearly communicate the expectations of the job and discuss employment policies, including the handling of sensitive/confidential information.
  • Train your students how to log time and when to submit time in Workday.

Incentive Pool

Interested in hiring a student for a special project but don't have the funds to support this? SEO can help!  Learn more about the Incentive Pool and how to apply for funding.

Student Employee Appreciation

Recognize and show appreciation for the work your students perform!  

  • Appreciation Ideas
  • Student Employee Appreciation Week
  • Student Employee of the Year and Rookie of the Year Awards and Ceremony

Student Employment Advisory Board

The Student Employment Advisory Board (SEAB) offers guidance to SEO on projects and matters of policy and procedure.  

Student Employee Appreciation Reception 2018 photo compilation