February Student and ADC Trainings

By Workday Project Team

Workday Student goes live at Bowdoin in less than a month, and that means it's time to get training! The last week of February saw us kicking off trainings with big bangs, hosting both students and Academic Department Coordinators, or ADCs, for their initial looks at how Workday will work for Bowdoin.

The ADCs convened at Maine Street Station, which is the headquarters for Bowdoin's IT team, for a two-day training. They were able to learn everything from basic Workday navigation to the specifics of how they'll manage their daily work in Workday. The training spurred great discussions between the ADCs, the project team, and our consultants. We stepped away from the trainings with the ADCs feeling more confident in understanding what they'll do in Workday and with great notes for our training team to incorporate into future trainings. We also left with a handful of feature requests, which is what we call requests from Bowdoin community members for new or enhanced functionality in Workday! It was a great two days at Maine Street Station.

A woman stands near a large screen explaining the image being projected, while a large group watches on.

Student trainings were also held on campus, one specific for RA's and one open to any students who wished to attend. Turn-out was great for both events, and both provided excellent learning experiences for the students in attendance. The RA's were specifically targeted for training because these students are in critical leadership positions with their fellow students, and by empowering our RA population we help empower all students.

The students had excellent questions and suggestions, and the project team especially appreciated students who reached out afterward to provide additional information or ask questions. 

A woman stands in front of a room describing what is being projected on screen, addressing a room full of students seated in chairs.

Bowdoin, thank you for your engagement and interest in learning about Workday!