Getting Started with Honors in Biochemistry

Students interested in pursuing Advanced Independent Study or Honors Research, should take the preliminary steps described below.

Creating a Research Proposal

This 1-2 page paper will outline the subject of the research, the questions to be addressed, and will include a brief description of the proposed experiments. Please consult with your advisor for details.

Meeting with Faculty

The Biochemistry Program recommends that you talk with your advisor early in the fall semester about whether to set additional deadlines. Such deadlines are particularly helpful for people who are more comfortable with more structure, who are inclined toward procrastination, or who find writing or reading the literature particularly challenging.

Possible intermediate deadlines you could set with your advisory include those for:

  • Writing a short project description.
  • Assembling an annotated bibliography of papers relevant to your project
  • Writing an outline for your preliminary research paper
  • Exchanging a draft of your paper with a fellow student for feedback
  • Submitting a preliminary draft of your paper to your advisor