Use of College Property
Bowdoin College has a proprietary interest in the property that it owns. No person may utilize the College’s property, including digital or photographic reproductions of its property, for commercial, business, political, or public purposes, without express written consent.
College marks and logos are owned by the College and may not be used or altered without permission from the Office of Communications and Public Affairs. Requests for the use of College property for activities or events should be directed to the Office of Events and Summer Programs (207-725-3433)
I. Intellectual Property
Requests for photographic reproduction or the use of any logo, wordmark, image, or identity—including, but not limited to, the Bowdoin College seal (sun), the Bowdoin College wordmark, the custom Bowdoin athletics typeface, and the Polar Bear logo(s)—should be directed to the Office of Communications and Public Affairs (specifically Trevor Geiger) in time to allow for an appropriate review of the request.
Requests for depictions or backdrops or other reproduction of College property—including but not limited to buildings, grounds, campus views, and other recognizable campus landmarks—should similarly be directed to the Office of Communications and Public Affairs in time to allow for an appropriate review of the request. Please see the services page for more information about getting help with your project.
II. Physical Property
This policy governs all uses of Bowdoin College’s facilities and grounds, defined as any indoor or outdoor space, including land, building or structure, that is owned or controlled by Bowdoin College (“College Facilities and Grounds”). Specific uses of College Facilities and Grounds may also be subject to additional requirements, including, but not limited to, those set forth in the Alcohol and Illegal Drugs Policy, the Weapons Policy, and in guidelines provided by the Office of Events and Summer Programs, Residential Life, Dining Services, the Office of Student Activities, the Office of Safety and Security, Facilities Management, and the Office of Environmental Health and Safety.
Requests for the use of College Facilities and Grounds for activities or events should be directed to the Office of Events and Summer Programs (207-725-3433). Requests must also be approved by the relevant College office pursuant to applicable College policies and guidelines (see Additional Information below). Use of College Facilities and Grounds that promote the College’s primary functions will be given highest priority and will take precedence over any other use. The College may place reasonable limitations on the time, duration, noise and the use or building of structures, including temporary structures such as tents, which limitations must be strictly followed.
Any individual, group, or organization wishing to utilize College property must comply with this and other relevant policies. This includes students, faculty, staff, volunteers, visitors, vendors, and contractors. Any use by a third-party not affiliated with the College shall not be permitted, unless such use is approved in advance by the appropriate Bowdoin office or department.
Approval of a particular use of College Facilities and Grounds shall not be an endorsement or approval of any particular message, cause, candidate or effort or of the views of any group, organization or individual.
Requirements for Facilities and Grounds Uses
- The College does not allow the use of its property that, in its sole discretion, disrupts the normal operations of the College or any use that violates any policy of the College. Any use of College property must comply with local, state and federal law.
- Individuals, groups, and organizations using College Facilities and Grounds are expected to conduct themselves appropriately and to be respectful of the purpose and mission of the College. Bowdoin reserves the right to restrict people from entering or remaining on College Facilities and Grounds if their presence is or would be disruptive or counter to the College’s mission, or to the comfort, security, and safety of others.
- Bowdoin prohibits the use of its property, including buildings, facilities, and grounds to display flags, signage, banners, or objects without permission. Using chalk, paint, or other permanent or semi-permanent medium on College buildings and/or other structures is strictly prohibited to prevent damage to the structure and injury to anyone stopping at entrances or exits. The prior approval of Bowdoin’s Facilities Management is required to mark or use trees or any College structures to support or display signs, messages, materials, or equipment.
- The College may, in its sole discretion, disapprove, cancel or terminate any use of College Facilities and Grounds at any time, including any previously-approved use of College Facilities and Grounds, that violates any of the requirements of this Policy.
- The College may, in its sole discretion and without cause, disapprove, cancel or terminate any use of College Facilities and Grounds by any third party at any time.
- Individuals or groups who fail to observe College policies, cause a disruption to the orderly processes of the College, or fail to leave when asked will be in violation of College policy. These violations of College policy may result in disciplinary action. Disruption may also result in arrest and criminal charges such as disorderly conduct or trespass.
- Specific buildings, such as residential spaces, are not open to the general public. Entrance may be denied and trespass laws invoked for persons found in or around our buildings without legitimate reasons.
Additional Information
Please consult the following resources for additional information:
- Events and Summer Programs:
- Dining Services:
- Residential Life:
- Student Activities:
- Safety and Security:
- Facilities Management:
- Environmental Health and Safety: