Undergraduate Resources


Undergraduate Bowdoin Teacher Scholars will register for ED 3303: Student Teaching Practicum, ED 3304: Bowdoin Teacher Scholars Seminar, and ED 4000: Advanced Independent Study. Questions regarding registration can be directed to Julie Grossi or Cassaundra Lindberg in the Office of the Registrar.

Dates and Supervisor

The practicum will begin the first or second week in January (this occasionally varies depending on the school in which scholars are placed) and continue for fourteen weeks. 

During your practicum, you will follow the public school schedule, not the Bowdoin schedule. Therefore, you will have one week off in February and one week off in April, but you will not have Bowdoin's spring break in March. Housing will be available during spring break. 

Be sure to print out the district calendar of your placement school right away in order to anticipate professional development, vacation, and other dates of note. You should also find out where to get information about weather cancellations.


You are responsible for your own reliable transportation through a Maine winter. While we work with those who do not have access to their own transportation, it may limit where we are able to place you for your practicum. 


You must have proof of health insurance and sign a waiver, or register with Bowdoin's plan. Contact Cathy Hayes to request a waiver or registration materials—chayes@aksarayyeralticarsisi.com or (207) 798-4284. She will be sending you a mailing in early December with all the details. 

Meal Plan

Many undergraduate Bowdoin Teacher Scholars choose to remain on Bowdoin's meal plan. Questions regarding dining services should be directed to Billy Watkins, dining services business manager.

Services on Campus

You will continue to have the same access to the Bowdoin library, printing services, Canvas, email, OneCard, Polaris, fitness center, counseling, etc. throughout the spring.


You are guaranteed housing in early January, although it may not be in your regular dorm or apartment until housing officially reopens. In early December, you will need to complete a transitional housing request at http://uoch.aksarayyeralticarsisi.com/reslife/housing/housing-requests.shtml. Questions regarding housing should be directed to Lisa Rendall, director of housing operations, at lrendall@aksarayyeralticarsisi.com. You will be able to stay in your housing during Bowdoin's spring break. 


  • Books: You can anticipate minimal cost for books—most likely a maximum of $50.
  • Loan Reimbursement: Upon acceptance to the Bowdoin Teacher Scholars program, students will be contacted individually regarding loan reimbursement eligibility. Loan payments are processed by the Bursar and sent directly to your lender upon successful completion of the program.
  • Stipend: You will receive a stipend to help offset costs associated with the program. The undergraduate stipend is made in three disbursements at the beginning, middle, and end of the student teaching practicum. 


Once you know your placement, you are encouraged to communicate/visit your cooperating teacher to begin forming relationships with the teacher and school for the spring. You may request student lists, curriculum, course materials, information about technology that is used, etc. While your first official day isn’t until early January, there is a lot you can do to ease your transition before then.

Professional Dress

You will need to dress professionally five days a week—this will mean different things in different schools. In general, you should be prepared with professionally appropriate clothing and shoes in good repair. You may use funds from your stipend to update your professional wardrobe, if needed.

Substitute Teaching

You may choose to register as a substitute teacher in your district. We encourage you to do so in order to be compensated for any days that your cooperating teacher needs to be out. Contact your district office for specific details about substitute registration, as it varies widely from district to district. A few districts require you to “give” up to three days to cover professional development for your cooperating teacher, but you should always be compensated for personal/sick days that you cover. Some districts will not allow you to register as a substitute teacher until you have received your bachelor’s degree, but we try to only place you in districts where you will be eligible.