(F/S/Y) 2 tracks: Language & Area Studies or Metropolitan Studies. Enjoy a semester in Germany’s capital while taking both local and international field trips. Variety of housing including apartments and homestays. Language & Area: prerequisite of 4 or more semesters of college-level German; can enroll in German university classes for spring and year students but not for fall semester-only. (15-19 semester credits)
Off-Campus Study
The German department encourages all German majors to study in Germany or Austria. Studying in a German-speaking country is the best way for students to become literate in the language and gain a better understanding of the culture.
Approved Programs
Student Experiences Abroad

Casey Krause
Freiburg, Germany
"I'll always have the happiest, most vivid memories of Freiburg: [it] was the perfect mix between a young, university town and a picturesque German village nestled in the countryside, and I quickly fell in love. It was also Freiburg that first sparked my interest in questions around refugee resettlement and integration. I was living there in the midst of the European refugee crisis and between the frequent travel warnings, students protesting in the streets and the refugee container I walked by everyday on my way into the city, it was almost impossible to avoid such topics. When I returned to the U.S., I felt compelled to explore these same questions in my home country, and spent that following summer working with Somali-Bantu refugees in Lewiston, Maine. I am now working on a honors project on German literature that picks migration as a central theme. Following graduation I hope to continue in this line of work as a Fulbright Diversity Fellow, teaching English in Germany to students of refugee and migrant descent." - Casey Krause '17