- Participating students commit to the completion of 50 hours of unpaid community-engaged volunteering with a non-profit or municipal organization.
- Work is to be completed during winter break (December 23 to January 19), along with a mid-break survey check-in
- After winter break, awardees will summarize their experience in the form of a photo, description of their work, and reflection essay on their experience. Students who complete this reflection and survey on-time will receive a $750 reflection stipend.
Winter Break Community Engagement Program
The McKeen Center allows students receiving Bowdoin financial aid to volunteer with a nonprofit or municipal organization between semesters and receive a reflection stipend after submitting reflection materials.
The Program
The Winter Break Community Engagement Program (WBCEP) allows students of aid the opportunity to provide 50 hours of volunteer service to a nonprofit or municipal organization over the Bowdoin winter break. Participating students will receive training, support in identifying a host site, and check-ins from the McKeen Center. Volunteer work can be remote or in-person.
Students will receive a $750 reflection stipend for completing the WBCEP reflection essay and evaluation survey at the end of the program in January.
2024-25 Program Timeline:
- 10/28/24 WBCEP Application Opens
- 11/1/24 WBCEP Info Session: Mandatory for WBCEP applicants, 3:30-4:30p, Banister 106, or watch the Info Session Recording and answer the follow-up questions.
- 11/11/24 Rolling Admissions Begins
- 12/9/24 Rolling Application Deadline*
- 12/23/24-1/19/25 Volunteering Period
- 1/20/25 Reflection Materials Due and stipend paid upon submission
*The WBCEP application has closed. No further applications will be considered for the 2024/25 program.
Questions? Contact Tom Ancona (tancona@aksarayyeralticarsisi.com or schedule a meeting)