
We work privately with employees to help them weigh and develop options, and we provide resources and recommendations to enable individuals to resolve issues.

An ombuds is neither an employee advocate nor a member of management, but is a representative for a fair process. We operate independently of all other divisions of the College, report only to the president, and then only share generalized, aggregate statistics, never individual details.

We address workplace issues, interpersonal conflict, academic concerns, policy questions, and many other problems, whether as a first step, last resort, or at any point along the way.

The Ombuds will:

  • Remain impartial
  • Listen to concerns
  • Keep information confidential
  • Follow up on requests for assistance and resources
  • Provide information and coaching
  • Help identify resolution options
  • Serve as a neutral facilitator

The Ombuds will not:

  • Share any personal information without express permission
  • Take sides
  • Receive formal notice for the College
  • Conduct formal or in-depth investigations
  • Make management decisions
  • Determine policy (but may recommend policy)
  • Substitute for formal channels or other resources

Communication with the Ombuds is confidential and off-the-record and does not constitute notice to the institution.