“The Complicated Legacy of Queen Elizabeth II” Portland Press Herald September11th2022
- The Politics of Public Broadcasting in Britain and Japan (Routledge, 2022).
- "An Economic Case for Joe Biden," Times Record Oct 12th 2020
- "After Abe, Will Press Freedom Improve in Japan?" The Diplomat Oct 10th 2020
- "Look to Clement Attlee for Britain’s Post-Coronavirus Future" National Interest June 21st 2020
- Panel on 'Social Safety Nets in the Age of Coronavirus' Bowdoin News May 7th 2020
- "Theresa May’s Brexit Deal" National Interest January 2019
- "Brexit Explained" Bowdoin News February 2019
- "Public Broadcasting in the Age of Fake News" Talk at Harvard University US-Japan Relations Program April 2018
- "Japanese Present a Model of Good Governance" Portland Press Herald Oct 29th 2017
- “Thoughts on Brexit” Bowdoin News (July 2016)
- '“Will Pokémon Go Power Up Japan’s Cool Economy?” The Japan Times July 31 2016. Op-ed on the political economy of Japan’s creative industries.'
- Chapter on the 'Political Economy of Digital Television Transition in Japan and the USA: How Well can a Coordinated Market Economy Solve a Coordination Problem?' in Shiping Hui and Ruiha Hu (eds) The East Asian Development Model (Routledge 2015)
- A piece in The Diplomat on political interference at NHK, Japan's public broadcaster (Feb 8 2014)
- 'Digital Television and Technology Diffusion' in International Journal of Digital Television Vol. 2 Issue 3 (Sept 2011)
- Henry Laurence on NPR January 23: The World According to Japan (2006)
- Entry ‘The British Broadcasting Corporation’ in Mark Jurgensmayer and Helmut Anheier (Eds.) Encyclopedia of Global Studies (Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, 2010).
- Academic Spotlight: Professor Gives High Definition to Digital Debate
- Censorship at PBS and NHK
Paper comparing Japanese censorship of a documentary on the Comfort Women with the Bush administration's censorship of a children's cartoon show featuring a lesbian couple. JPRI CritiqueVol. XII, No. 3 (April 2005) - Images of Japan on American TV
Paper presented to the Japan Media Communications Center (JAMCO) 2005 On-line InternationalSymposium - The Japanese Princess Bride: (Listen to Audio)
Interview on the Japanese Royal Family, National Public Radio "On Point"
Show Originally Aired: November 16th 2005. - The Big Bang and the Sokaiya
The Japan Policy Research Institute, which has an on-line version of a paper I wrote on the "Sokaiya"(corporate blackmailers). JPRI Critique Vol. VI No. 8 (August 1999) - My Feb 1999 speech on prospects for the Japanese Economy (campus news)
- I'm quoted in a story about terrorism in the Baltimore Sun: Making peace with terror, Lessons from those who live where death is a way of life. September 16, 2001
- Money Rules: The New Politics of Finance in Britain and Japan (Cornell Studies in Political Economy)(Cornell University Press, 2001)
Henry C.W. Laurence
Henry Laurence is a professor of Government and Asian Studies at Bowdoin College.
He received a Ph.D. in Political Science from Harvard University and a BA from Oriel College, Oxford University. In 2007-2008 he was a Research Associate at the Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism at Oxford University and a Senior Associate Member of the Nissan Institute of Japanese Studies at St. Antony's College, Oxford. He has also been affiliated with the Institute for Social Sciences at the University of Tokyo, and the U.S.-Japan Relations Program at Harvard University.
Dr. Laurence researches media and politics, and has written extensively about press freedom, government interference and journalistic independence in Britain, Japan and the United States. He has served as a research affiliate at the Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism at Oxford University, and his latest book is titled “The Politics of Public Broadcasting in Britain and Japan: the BBC and NHK Compared”.

- PhD, Harvard University, 1996
- MA, Harvard University
- BA, Oriel College, 1985