Sentimental Savants: Philosophical Families in Enlightenment France (University of Chicago Press, 2016)
"Spontaneous Human Combustion and Claude-Nicolas Le Cat’s Hunt for Fame," Journal of Modern History 93 no. 4 (December 2021), 749-782.

"Laclos's Objects of Affection: Venerating the Family During the French Revolution," Eighteenth-Century Studies 51.3 (2018)
"Learned and Loving: Representing Women Astronomers in Enlightenment France," Journal of Women's History 29.1 (2017)
"Philosophes Mariés and Epouses Philosophiques: Men of Letters and Marriage in Eighteenth-Century France," French Historical Studies 35.3 (2012)
With Anne Verjus, Claire Cage, Jennifer Heuer, and Andrea Mansker, "Regards croisés sur le mariage à l’époque révolutionnaire et impériale," Annales Historiques de la Révolution Française 388.2 (2017)